Shillong Teer Result: The Cultural Lottery of Meghalaya

Shillong Teer Result: The Cultural Lottery of Meghalaya

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Shillong Teer is a unique blend of tradition, skill, and chance that has become an integral part of the cultural fabric in Meghalaya, India. Played in the state's capital, Shillong, this fascinating archery-based lottery draws participants and spectators alike, eager to try their luck and witness a traditional practice evolve into a modern-day phenomenon.

The Essence of Shillong Teer

Shillong Teer is not just a game; it is a cultural event deeply rooted in the heritage of the Khasi community. Archery has been a significant part of Khasi tradition, historically used for hunting and protection. Over the decades, this practice transformed into a competitive sport and eventually into the betting game known as Teer.

How Shillong Teer Works

The game is played six days a week, from Monday to Saturday, and involves two primary components: betting and archery.

  1. Betting Process:

    • Participants, referred to as punters, place bets on numbers ranging from 0 to 99 at licensed Teer counters scattered across Meghalaya.

    • These numbers correspond to the last two digits of the total number of arrows that will hit the target in each round of archery.

  2. Archery Rounds:

    • The game takes place at the Polo Grounds in Shillong.

    • In the first round, 50 archers shoot 30 arrows each at a cylindrical bamboo target.

    • In the second round, the same archers shoot 20 arrows each.

    • The number of arrows hitting the target is then counted to determine the results.

  3. Result Declaration:

    • The results are declared in two rounds. The first round results are announced at around 3:45 PM, and the second round results at 4:45 PM.

    • For example, if the total number of arrows hitting the target is 756, the winning number is 56 (the last two digits of the total).

Economic and Social Impact

Shillong Teer significantly impacts the local economy, providing employment opportunities to a wide range of people, from archers and bookmakers to those managing the betting counters. The game also generates revenue that often funds community projects and infrastructure.

Socially, Shillong Teer is a communal event that fosters camaraderie and excitement. It draws crowds who come together to participate in or watch the event, creating a vibrant and lively atmosphere.

Legal and Ethical Considerations

Shillong Teer operates under the regulations of the Meghalaya Amusement and Betting Tax Act. This legal framework ensures the game's transparency and fairness, protecting both the participants and the integrity of the game.

However, gambling carries inherent risks, including addiction and financial loss. The government and local organizations actively promote responsible betting practices, encouraging participants to wager wisely and within their means.


Shillong Teer is a captivating blend of cultural heritage and modern-day excitement. It stands as a testament to Meghalaya's rich traditions, offering a unique form of entertainment that brings the community together. For locals, it is a cherished tradition; for visitors, it is a fascinating glimpse into the region's cultural soul.

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